Safe + Fair Popcorn Review

This popcorn is the bees knees. Yup, I said it, bees... knees... Like WHOA! Not only is it delicious, but it is free from most of the top dietary allergens. Did you know that 1 in 12 American children and an estimated 1 in 20 American adults have a food allergy. So, in order to offer a safe snack option for this growing population, Safe + Fair follow 16 proprietary measures to ensure their products are safe and of the highest quality. They rigorously audit and continuously monitor their partners to maintain a high-quality supply chain. Their allergen protocols have been validated by the leading independent food allergy laboratory in the United States. There is obviously a need for this type of product and I am so glad glad it is a tasty one. Many times, products that are free from, whatever, fail when it comes to taste, but Safe + Fair has hit it out of the park.

On the recommendation of a fellow food allergy friend, I decided to order an assortment of Safe + Fair products. I was told I HAD to try the Birthday Cake Drizzled Popcorn. So I complied, along with their Dark Chocolate Drizzled Popcorn and a few other savory snacks that we will save for another day. This was back in the beginning of COVID-19, so our order was crazy delayed and took over a month to get to us. But let me tell you, it was 100% worth the wait. I was so excited to get the order that I immediately ripped into the bags without taking a single picture, oops! In less than 24 hours, all of the popcorn was gone, not one kernel remained, because, well it was freaking fantastic. The Birthday Cake flavor was hands down the best. Probably the best popcorn I have ever had and frankly, I happen to think of myself as a popcorn connoisseur, so you know it has got to be amazing. It has just the right amount of sweetness and drizzle on ever piece and is super festive with colorful sprinkles adding to the funfetti vibe. You can taste the almond extract that gives it that distinct boxed cake mix feel. I was surprised it was not oily at all, given it was popped in coconut oil and not butter.

Colleen Saltarelli
Colleen Saltarelli
Colleen Saltarelli
Colleen Saltarelli

The Dark Chocolate flavor was excellent too, just coming in behind the Birthday Cake. I am a dark chocolate lover, I would say this is a medium dark flavor and not quite intense enough for me, however, if you are a milk chocolate person like my husband, the intensity might be just enough for you. Again, just the right amount of sweetness and drizzle per piece and so light and airy. Now, this is NOT a "health" food. It still has 140 calories and 13 grams of sugar per 28 grams. 28 grams is not a lot of popcorn, that amount fit in one of my hands, mounded. There are also almost 8 servings in a bag and honestly, I could have sat down and polished off the bag in one sitting by myself. So be careful, enjoy yourself but don't over indulge.

These two bags were obviously not enough, so that same day, I placed another order for their 8 bag popcorn assortment. It came in the mail surprisingly fast, like less than a week! This time I was able to snap some pics for you and we added two more flavors, Blueberry Cobbler and Key Lime Pie. I am not a huge fruit flavor fan, but Key Lime is my favorite, so I was crazy excited to give it a try and it did not disappoint. The Key Lime flavor is excellent, maybe even BETTER than the Dark Chocolate. Matched in quality with the other flavors and the sour aspect was a nice refreshing twist. Like I suspected, I was not a fan of the BLueberry Cobbler, even my fruit loving husband agreed with me. The blueberry aspect tasted a little fake and too intense and we felt like this flavor WAS a little too sweet for us. But hey, 3/4 is not bad! Not every person is going to like every flavor, that is what makes the world go round.

Colleen Saltarelli
Colleen Saltarelli

I would like to caution that I noticed on the back of the bags, there is a warning that the popcorn was manufactured in a facility that also manufactures wheat products. So there could potentially be risk of cross contamination. I am very sensitive to gluten and have consumed 4 bags so far and not had any issues, however, if you are someone who is HIGHLY sensitive, you might want to give it a pass through the old Nima sensor before digging in. Just a suggestion.

Would I and will I be ordering more popcorn from Safe + Fair? YES! Would I recommend it to others? YES! I would recommend this to anyone, you don't have to have an allergy to enjoy this fantastic popcorn. I think everyone needs to give it a try! I don't find it to be crazy expensive, and they have plenty of promo codes and opportunities for free shipping. So there really is nothing stopping you from ordering yourself a few bags! I like to portion my bags out as soon as I get them so I know exactly how much I am munching throughout the day and am able to hold myself accountable. If you are not worrying about calories or macros, then go to town! Check out their website to get your hands on some.

Colleen Saltarelli

Colleen is an ISSA Certified Nutrition Coach, Culinary Institute of America Graduate and Your Gluten-Free Celiac Sidekick.

*Nutrition information can vary for a recipe based on factors such as precision of measurements, brands, ingredient freshness, or the source of nutrition data. We strive to keep the information as accurate as possible, but make no warranties regarding its accuracy. We encourage readers to make their own calculations based on the actual ingredients used in your recipe, using your preferred nutrition calculator. The author(s) of the website are not registered dietitians or medical professionals. Any recommendations are made based on our research or personal experience, but shall not be construed as medical or nutritional advice. You are fully responsible for any actions you take and any consequences that occur as a result of anything you read on this website. Please see Nutritional Disclaimer page for more information.

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